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-Sacred Space- 

A FREE Community Event for Truth Seekers, Wisdom Keepers, and Those on a Spiritual Healing Journey


Hosted LIVE through Zoom 

What you can expect in our Sacred Space -

Holistic Healing, Safe Connection, Empowerment & Inspiration, Self Discovery, Alignment with Spirit, Guided Discussions, Channeled Messages, Group Meditations, Growth & Expansion, Grounding Exercises, Dyad Work, Healing and Spiritual Growth + More!

Why is this event FREE??

Over the years of being a guide and a mentor to many people who are walking a spiritual path, there seems to be one common desire, and that is COMMUNITY. This monthly offering is my gift to you, in hopes that you use the insights that you gain from this space, to inspire a sense of strength, hope, and courage in this often confusing world.

One of my core values as a woman is to be of service to others. Being of service is the most powerful practice for opening the heart. When our hearts are open wide we are able to have a deeper connection with Spirit, and our lives become blessed with clear direction and a sense of loving support from our higher power.

That being said, I believe that 'God', or 'Spirit' is bigger than religion. It is a holy and powerful force of loving energy, so vast that our human brains cannot truly comprehend its magnitude. My intention with this space is to create a save a loving community where we can support each other's journey of coming closer to God, coming closer to truth, and embodying the light that this world needs.

When is the next event?

Sacred Space is held online via ZOOM. Sessions will NOT be recorded for replay.


Next Event: Monday, April 8th @5pm PST


Meet your Facilitator

Jane is a Holisitc Therapist, currently residing on the unceded territory of the Coast Salish peoples. She believes within every person lies a treasure chest full of wisdom and beauty waiting to be discovered, and with this awareness, we as individuals carry the power to set ourselves free.  


       Jane has worked with all walks of life and takes a gentle, intuitive approach, supporting those who are on the journey to healing their childhood trauma while cultivating a healthy self esteem, and strong sense of independence. Her mission is to guide others towards a space of openness, compassion and self acceptance, so they may move forward with confidence and a deep sense of peace.

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